Digital marketing is the promotion of products and services by using various online channels. You can focus on social media, or search engine optimization (SEO) and implement strategies that aid websites in ranking highly on Google searches to attract more people.

Collaboration skills are vital as the role is often a team-based one. You may be working on projects with designers, copywriters, or animators. You could also be asked to research your client’s rivals, as this helps you know which methods of advertising are most efficient for their business. You’ll be expected to design campaigns, work with clients, research new strategies for digital marketing, and track the effectiveness of existing tactics to ensure that they’re providing value for money.

You may be working on short-term projects for business owners who need help creating their brand or a marketing campaign. You can also oversee longer-term projects on behalf of an agency for marketing. You can create and monitor their social media presence, or oversee their website analytics.

A career in digital marketing is for those with an empathetic nature and can put yourself in the shoes of your intended audience to identify their wants, needs and issues. Being flexible and able to learn and accept feedback are essential characteristics, too, since the world of digital marketing is constantly evolving so you need to stay ahead of the curve. As you get experience, you might decide to pursue an executive position or become a digital marketer.
